
Diversified activities to welcome freshmen of the 2022 cohort

Recently, after the civic education course for freshmen of the 2022 cohort, which took place from September 20 to 24, nine training faculties of LHU respectively organized diversified activities to welcome their freshmen.

The freshmen welcoming program was the first meeting between freshmen and the Faculty Management Board, faculty members. That was the first activity to encourage and orient new students about the learning process, living and practical experience,... at University.

The Faculty of Information Technology

On September 29, the Faculty of Information Technology, LHU welcomed its freshmen at the Multifunctional room A301 and the Physical Education Center. More than 250 new students actively participated in the program. Dr. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector also attended the event.

Dr. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector presented T-shirts to freshmen

In addition to providing freshmen with necessary information, the welcome program took place mini games. The participants also received many attractive gifts. They also experienced University's facilities such as Lab rooms, AI room, Cisco room, library,...


Freshmen visited Cisco room and AI Lab

Especially at the program, ASIA Applied Informatics and Trading Co., Ltd sponsored VND 5,000,000 and 5 backpacks for lucky students who answered questions correctly. Freshman Hoang Minh Hai luckily received a laptop worth VND 10,900,000 sponsored by Tin Viet Tien Technology Joint Stock Company. Dozens of other valuable gifts such as mouses, USBs,... were also awarded to lucky students.

 Rector Lam Thanh Hien took a group photo with all the freshmen at the welcoming program

The Faculty of Oriental Studies

The Faculty of Oriental Studies on the morning of September 30 held a welcoming ceremony for the new students of the course 2022 at Hall E501, Campus 3. The Faculty Management Board, lecturers, staff and especially nearly 300 new students attended the program. 


The Faculty of Oriental Studies welcomed its students by special arts performances

At the event, freshmen listened to sincere sharing and experiences from lecturers on issues related to study, training and life. The Faculty also provided them with many important and necessary information such as the Faculty's pedagogical team, training majors, job opportunities, activities and movements of the Faculty,...

New students also experienced exhibition areas imbued with Japanese, Chinese and Korean culture.

The Faculty Management Board took a souvenir photo with all the freshmen

Faculty of Food Science and Engineering 

On September 30 too, the Faculty of Food Science and Technology welcomed its students and awarded Corporate scholarships at the sixth Campus, with the participation of representatives from Yakult Company, CP Joint Stock Company, Ajinomoto Company, Olam Company.

At the program, Companies exchanged and shared with students about skills, job orientations, recruitment needs and committed to support graduates internship and job opportunities. Yakult Vietnam Co., Ltd. also awarded two "Minoru Shirota Fund” scholarships to Food Technology majors.


Freshmen were so excited with the buffet

Booths displaying products made by the Faculty

Faculty of Finance and Accounting

The Faculty of Finance and Accounting's Management Board, teaching staff, representatives of offices, enterprises, banks, alumni were presented at the first meeting with new students on September 30.

Dean of Faculty of Finance and Accounting Nguyen Quoc Huy delivered an opening speech to congratulate nearly 200 new students 

Representatives of businesses, banks and alumni shared skills and knowledge to help new students firmly pursue their choices. Opportunities and challenges for the industry in the current period were also provided to the participants.

Faculty of English Language

In addition to the meeting with the Faculty Management Board and the teaching staff, new students of the Faculty of English Language were excited to join in a variety of food stalls with delicious dishes prepared by students and lecturers.

There were also a check-in area and mini-game zones to hand-deliver attractive gifts and pretty souvenirs.


Food stalls always attracted freshmen

Faculty of Civil Engineering

The Faculty of Civil Engineering on September 30, held a meeting in order to orient and introduce students of the 2022 cohort to learning processes, living and practical experience at University.

Especially, the Faculty invited Mr. Nguyen Tan Loc - Chairman of the Board of Directors, GSB Steel Structure Joint Stock Company to exchange and share skills, knowledge as well as great opportunities when the students chose to study here. 


The warm meeting between the Faculty Management Board, the teaching staff and freshmen held at Room I107, campus 6

Freshmen visited the Faculty's facilities and practice rooms

Faculty of Administration - International Economics

On October 1, the Faculty of Administration - International Economics held a program to welcome first-year students, honor club's Board of Directors; commend students who exhibited excellent academic results in the 2021-2022 school year and award scholarships to students.

In addition to the Faculty Management Board and faculty members, the program saw the presence of Dr. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector; Mr. Le Quyet Thang - Vice Chairman of Dong Nai Young Entrepreneurs Association - Director of Tacom Group Investment Consulting Co., Ltd; Mr. Le Kim Khanh - Sales Manager of Global Trade Link Co., Ltd; Mr. Kim Kyung Sig - TTC Korean Training Center; Ms. Dang Nguyen Thanh Hoa - Director of MB Bank Tam Hiep Transaction Office and nearly 500 students.

At the program, Rector Lam Thanh Hien had a few enthusiastic and profound words to the students. He also sent his sincere advice to all the freshmen.


Students received scholarships from Mr. Le Quyet Thang - Director of Tacom Group Investment Consulting Co., Ltd and Mr. Kim Kyung Sig - TTC Korean Training Center

At the program, specialized clubs, start-up contests,... were also introduced to the new students

"Market place" helped students experience "real" business


LHU, welcome freshmen, activities, fist meeting

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